Professional Learning Facilitation

Introduction to Intervistation: Collaborative learning through shared practices
The Teacher Center has equipped me with crucial skills like conducting needs assessments for educators, identifying areas of pedagogical opportunity, developing and implementing professional learning sessions to address these areas of opportunity. Most recently, I developed and implemented a three part professional learning series on intervisitation. In the three part series educators learned about intervisitation and why it's important, they then collaborated on a common teacher team goal to be used for an intervisitation cycle. The learning cycle was one aspect of the school wide intervisitation protocol which I was responsible for developing and implementing during the 2023-2024 school year.

Universal Design for Learning
This professional learning series was a collaboration with the Assistant Principal of Special Education.

Culturally Responsive Professional Learning: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion
Through collaboration with my colleagues and continued professional learning, I aim to remove obstacles that impede student learning and achievement. In 2018, after reflecting on a social justice unit, I realized that my school community was not a safe space for Queer educators and students alike; I took this as an opportunity to create change. I initiated an LGBTQIA+ Inclusivity Professional Development series, which consisted of three sessions for all school staff members. During the series I identified key terms and definitions for communicating with our LGBTQIA+ community, allowing for challenging yet meaningful conversations, and provided resources for staff to create safe spaces in their classrooms. After the series, I created an open door policy for my colleagues to ask questions and gain knowledge and resources to ensure that they also had a safe space to learn and grow. In the two years since this series, I then founded and advised the school’s first Gay-Straight Alliance, the U.N.I.T.Y Club, a club that has grown to 16 student members and hosted 5 events.